Sunday, October 27, 2013


Well, since I am unsure about this entry I have decided that it will be about Edgar Allen Poe's style.

Edgar Allen Poe wrote in the time of the romantics, not the lovable romantics, but the Romantic Period in which artists and writers revolted against an era of rational thinking. As one of those writers, Poe has a unique style of this imaginative quality. So far, I've read three of his works and in all three there is set forward a dark and gloomy almost as if the setting foretold or was connected to the main character. In some sense there is this incredibly complicated story being told with such detail and imagination that no one can understand it in just one read. He avoids blatantly stating what the true meaning is, but rather allows the reader's imagination to roam free. There is this constant use of conflicting references that reaches multiple audiences, while still conveying his allusive message. Poe is a true wordsmith for example, The Raven is known for its rhyme, imaginative, and idealistic qualities. His style is pronounced as its own because of the complexity in which his poems communicate messages at multiple level, unable to perceive with only one reading. This is why upon multiple attempts, one can only barely begin to unravel the gorgeous and elaborate style Edgar Allen Poe uses in his works of imagination.

Monday, October 7, 2013

What is an American?

To me an American is anyone who lives in this country, you don't have to possess certain characteristics or have been born here. If you are living in America today there is some purpose for you being here (legally or illegally). In fact those whom are here illegally are true Americans more than other people because they face horrific consequences, but do it all for the American dream. When someone asks me, what is an American? I say, it is us, the people of the united states who strive for freedom and independence, it is us the people who live here despite all the obstacles that face us. To be an American you don't have to live in conformity, or have papers, or even have a specific attitude. Being an American has to do with where you live, and the reason that you live there. People refers to others as less than if they don't have citizenship, but from my perspective, those whom risk their lives and waves their rights are equally as American as the ones born here. To be an American you can be your self, because no matter what some one, some where in this country will accept you. We should all (as Americans) be living the American dream rather than focusing on those whom are "not American", because at heart we are all just people who strives to live the American way of freedom.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Modern Puritian

Do people stop to think what happened to the Puritans? Why don't they live in gated communities preaching the evils of our culture?The truths is, as the theocracy has disappeared, the people are yet to relinquish. They hid amongst us in out churches, on our streets. The only difference is that now we consider them crazy. As I walked down State st. this Saturday, I noticed a man with a speaker preaching hell and damnation. They scream the word of the lord with such passion.